Layer Product Updates


Apr 5, 2024

Form View

Form View is a new view type that allows you to create a sharable form to create new elements in any category in your project. The form is completely customizable -- you choose which fields are available on the form. The form can be shared using a secret link, directly with external users via an email address, or embedded into other apps or websites.

Element Inputs Have a New Look and Feel

Element fields have been re-built from the ground up to provide a refreshed experience that is consistent across all field types.

Other Improvements & Features

  • A default style is used when placing element notes on document views

  • Added the ability to select all elements that match a filter when selecting multiple elements for a Related Elements Field

  • Added the ability to create a new related element from the select elements dialog while also selecting existing related elements

  • Added the ability to manually reorder files within a File Field using drag-and-drop

  • Added the ability to duplicate an automation from the ••• menu at the top right of an existing automation

  • Update existing elements when importing an Excel/CSV file by matching a spreadsheet column to the Layer Element ID or the Unique Element Number

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where elements table and/or gallery could get out of sync with element pane when updating element field values quickly

  • Fixed issue where very small annotations were not selectable on Drawing Views and in the PDF file viewer

  • Fixed issue in which the Starts With filter returned unexpected results for Revit parameter element data


May 6, 2024

Summary Document View

A new document view mode was added to allow all the elements in a category to be displayed in a table in single document. Summary document view tables support all the same features as existing related element tables as well as the ability to filter individual tables. Summary document view tables also support all of the standard table view aggregations, allowing users to aggregate data and insert it into table footers.

Focus Mode

Use focus mode to filter the fields displayed in the element detail pane on the right hand side of the screen to only those fields visible in the view. Focus mode can be used to simplify the fields visible and sort them according to the current view.

Improved Report Generation

An improved report generation process has been released for use in all Layer projects, increasing the complexity of reports that can be generated and reducing errors with the report export process.

Other Improvements and Features

  • Shared Layer views can be pinned to the homescreen on iOS to open in fullscreen mode.

  • Elements can be update via file import if matched to the unique Layer ID or Element Number.

  • Views can now be favorited! A Favorites section in the side navigation has been added to display users' favorite category views.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with category counts getting out of sync when elements have been duplicated.

  • Fixed a bug with spatial Relationships showing as [object Object] in a lookup field.

  • Fixed a bug with user mentions in text area fields not being formatted properly in document views.

  • Fixed a bug with recurring time automations scheduling timing out.

  • Fixed a bug with the dashboard's project list column sorting not working.


May 31, 2024

Folders for Favorite Views

You can now create folders to further organize your favorite views. To create a folder click the + button next the the Favorities section in the project sidenav.

Element Name in Form View

Form views can now include the ability to add the element name as a field on the form. This means less auto-generated element names in your project when elements are created from forms!

Set Element Name from Automations

Create an Element and Update an Element automation actions now allow you to set the element name instead of using the auto-generated element name.

Other Improvements and Features

  • Updated the icon for the number input to be different from text input

  • Updated formula field formatting to better reflect the set format (i.e. integer, currency, percentage)

  • Updated field inputs in automations to match the interface in the element pane

  • Added a warning to automations that are scheduled on days of the month that may not exist in all months

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with lookups to date fields formatting incorrectly

  • Fixed an issue with filtering on Drawing Views not pulling in all the elements

  • Fixed issue with timestamps in the activity tab not being human readable 🤖

  • Fixed an issue where inserting the same value into two elements back-to-back would cause the field value to not save

  • Fixed an issue where formula fields could cause the element pane to lag

  • Fixed an issue in text fields that include a URL where the button to open the link would not update when navigating between elements

  • Fixed an issue where files would sometimes not display in a file field, even though they were associated with the element and field

  • Fixed an issue where applying a template would override any new select field options added since the template was last applied


Jun 24, 2024

Revit Add-in Improvements

The Layer Revit Add-in has been updated to better support projects with multiple models. A dropdown is now available in projects with multiple similarly-named models to allow users to select which model to connect to from Revit. Bugs with parameter sync in projects with multiple similarly named models were also fixed, as well as issues with users signing into Layer in the add-in without any existing Layer projects.

The latest version of the Add-In (3.6.0) can he downloaded here.

Text Area Field Editor Improvements

We've updated the underlying editor for our Text Area field, eliminating cursor jumping issues noted by some customer and providing additional functionality in the Text Area field.

PDF with Annotation Export

Exporting large PDFs or PDFs with lots of annotations has been rolled into our existing reporting structure, improving reliability and user experience.

Other Improvements and Features

  • Improved date + time handling when importing elements

  • Improved Layer Dot annotation number generation, particularly with offline created elements

  • Improved table view horizontal scroll position when navigating

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with bad person field data being inserted when applying template

  • Fixed bug with related element selection not updating correctly when using multiple searches

  • Fixed bug with person field emails not appearing when enabled in document view

  • Fixed bug with sorting summary document view tables on select field values

  • Fixed bug with deleting categories

  • Fixed bug with some end of page content being cut-off when exporting document views

  • Fixed bug with some auto-lookup values not appearing on elements when fetched via the API