Element Detail Pane
Learn how to use the Element Detail Pane in Layer to manage and input data for fields, files, notes, and tasks. Explore header actions, section tabs, and activity logs.
Zach Soflin
Sep 24, 2024
What is the Element Detail Pane?
The Element Detail Pane is the primary method of interfacing with and inputting data for Element fields. It is found on the right hand side of the screen (on larger displays) or filling the screen (on small displays) after clicking on an Element from a view or navigating to it via URL.
If you are in a Document View, you can click the button on your bottom toolbar to open the Element Detail Pane, or click on any of the field data in the layout to jump to that field. You cannot be editing the document view layout for this to work.
See below for further information on the different sections of the Element Detail Pane.
Element name: Click to edit
Starred and completed buttons: Indicate status and click to toggle
Element context menu: Perform element based actions
Updating the name
Subscribing to changes - get notifications any time this particular element changes
Edit Category Fields
Export Element - export just the current element in a document view report
Duplicate Element
Delete Element
Section Tabs
Each of the following tabs below the header have different types of information available on the element.
Fields are the primary source of information on an element. Different fields types and how they’re used and managed can be found in Fields.
💡 Use Focus Mode to limit the fields visible in the element detail pane to those displayed in the current view.
The bottom of the fields tab includes a button to edit the fields in the current element’s category.
Files in a project can be associated with a single field, element, both, or neither. The files tab in the Element Detail Pane will display all files associated with the given element, regardless of field association. To see files associated with a particular field only, navigate to that field in the Fields tab.
Like files, notes can be associated with a single field, element, both, or neither. The notes tab in the Element Detail Pane will display all notes associated with the given element.
Like notes, tasks can be associated with a single field, element, both, or neither. The tasks tab in the Element Detail Pane will display all tasks associated with the given element.
The activity tab displays a log of user events that have modified the state of the element. Use these events to identify and/or revert recent changes to element data.