Model Categories
Explore how to interact with Revit objects in Layer’s Models section. Learn about Model Categories, Field Types, and how to display Revit parameters for enhanced workflows.

Zach Soflin
Sep 24, 2024
Categories under our Models Section follows the same concept of Categories . In this section you will get to interact with Revit objects that come with your Revit model and every Element in this section is a representation of your model object. Visit our Model Categories vs Layer Categories for a deeper understanding on when and how to choose how to work between the two sections based on your workflow. In this section you are not able to add or remove Elements as Layer is your a Building Information Management platform and single source of truth. Learn more about that in our The Layer Approach section.
In addition to our standard Fields selection, the Models section includes a few extra Field Types:
Model Name: Use this Field to expose the name of your model in Layer.
Element Version History: Use this Field to track the model version for when each Model object is added, deleted or updated. Layer allows you to track multiple model versions and decide when to remove model objects from your Layer project from the Model Settings dialog window.
Display Revit Parameter: Use this Field to show the elements that this element is contained within or that it contains in the 3d space. You can filter through different Model Categories when working with Spatial Relations ships.

Display Revit Parameter can be used to show values from any of your model’s Revit parameters into Layer. For example, if you wanted to put a room’s area onto a Room Data Sheet, you would create a Display Revit Parameter field for area.
<aside> 💡 In order to be able to filter through a model category i.e Special Equipment you will first need to expose that model category using the Model Settings