Learn about Triggers in Layer Automations, which define when an automation runs. Explore options for element creation, updates, filters, and scheduled triggers.

Zach Soflin
Sep 24, 2024
What are Triggers in Automations?
Automation Triggers are the first building block of an automation. Automation triggers define when an automation is run and will always run in the background regardless of if the Layer app is open.
To create an automation, navigate to the Automations heading the the left sidenav, and click to Create an Automation. Every automation requires exactly one trigger.

Element is Created
This trigger is run when any element is created within the specified category.
Element is Updated
This trigger is run when a specific element is updated. Optionally, the trigger can watch for one or more specific fields on the element to be updated. If any specific field(s) are selected, the trigger will only fire when those field(s) are updated.
Element in Category is Updated
This trigger is run when any element within a specified category is updated. Optionally, the trigger can watch for one or more specific fields within the category to be updated. If any specific field(s) are selected, the trigger will only fire when those field(s) are updated.
Element Matches a Filter
This trigger is run when an element if the specified category is updated to match the specified filter. The trigger will only fire on elements that are updated to match the filter after the automation is created and is not run retroactively on existing elements that may match the filter.
<aside> ✅ Not sure exactly how to set up the filter? The filters available in this trigger correspond to the filters available in views. You can use view filters as a playground to preview the results a specific filter may have before setting up the automation.
At a scheduled time
This trigger is run on a recurring cadence or at a scheduled time. The trigger is run in the background regardless of if the Layer app is open.
Recurring Scheduled
Use the options for Hour, Day, Week, and Month to define a cadence of how often the automation should run. Based on the configuration, the next 6 scheduled runs will be displayed as a preview to know when the automation will be run.

Scheduled Once
Use the option for Once to schedule an automation to run one time in the future. The automation will never run again after that since run.

The times displayed within a scheduled time triggers are all run based on the current user’s timezone as detected by the browser and operating system. If you are working on a team with members across multiple timezones, you should be aware that the time displayed the the trigger will display differently for users in different timezones. For example, an automation set to run at 8AM CST will run display as set to run at 9AM EST if a user logs into the app in Eastern Standard Time.