Workflow Guides

What is the meaning of FF&E?

FF&E (or FFE) is an acronym that stands for Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment. FF&E means the movable assets used by a building's occupant in their day-to-day operations. Examples includes office furniture, fixtures such as lamps, or equipment such as computers.

What does FF&E stand for? 

FF&E (or FFE) is an acronym that stands for Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment. FF&E means the movable assets used by a building's occupant in their day-to-day operations. Examples includes office furniture, fixtures such as lamps, or equipment such as computers.

Accountants classify FF&E as long-term tangible assets. This means assets that endure for over a year and have a physical presence. FF&E items are recorded on the owner's balance sheet for tax purposes. This differs from OS&E (Operating Supplies and Equipment) which are consumable products.


example furniture laid out in Revit

Furniture means movable items that make a space comfortable and functional. Common furniture includes sofas, tables, beds, desks, chairs, and cabinets. Furniture not only serves practical purposes but also contributes significantly to the aesthetics and ambiance of a room.




Fixtures are permanent elements that are attached or fixed to a property. Examples of fixtures include:

  • lighting (chandeliers, sconces, fans),
  • plumbing (sinks, faucets, toilets),
  • built-in shelving, and
  • sometimes architectural elements such as a divider.

Fixtures provide essential services, and are usually chosen for both design and functionality.



The final "E" in F.F. & E. stands for Equipment. Equipment refers to the machinery, appliances, and devices that are necessary for the operation of a space.

Industrial kitchen interior equipment

In the business operations space, equipment varies considerably between use cases. Common examples food or drink displays at a supermarket; medical equipment in a healthcare facility; or computer servers in an office. In residential settings, equipment may refer to home appliances such as refrigerators, ovens, and washing machines.


Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment are typically the next biggest expense after the real estate itself.


Have ever been in a cafe that you just couldn't resist sharing on social media? How about a coworking space or store that you always love for it's cozy feel? It's important to make a space feel "just right." This is why an owner places such importance on the FF&E Process

FF&E is classified under PP&E (Property, Plant & Equipment) on a company's balance sheet. These assets typically have a lifespan of three years or more and depreciate over time. Accountants calculate depreciation for FF&E to evenly distribute its expense over its useful life because these assets continue to generate revenue for multiple years.

Every country and jurisdiction will have different tax laws. In the US for example, for be depreciable according to IRS guidelines, FF&E items must meet certain criteria:

  1. The business must own them.
  2. The business must use them for income-producing activities.
  3. They must have a defined useful lifespan.
  4. Their expected lifespan must exceed one year.

This method makes sure that the cost of a fixed asset matches the income it creates in a specific accounting period. The downside is, if it has to be replaced sooner accounting may not be happy. This is why the Interior Design Process is just as important as the design of the space itself. You should consult with with your accountant to understand how best to depreciate your assets.

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