Tips from a Preservation Architect: Adaptive Reuse vs. Demolition & New Build
When a building has met the end of its useful life, an owner has a decision to make. Should the building be demolished, or reused? This guide will...
When a building has met the end of its useful life, an owner has a decision to make. Should the building be demolished, or reused? This guide will...
Thanks to everyone who joined our walking tour ET105 at A'24! We had a blast logging existing conditions. Here are the highlights for those who...
Furniture schedules at their basis, are a list of furniture for a specific project. This guide will explain the concept and why they are so important...
Efficient management of RFIs is critical to project success. However, this process is often overlooked. This guide will explain the ins and outs of...
An equipment survey is a systematic process undertaken to catalog, assess, and document all specified systems in a building. This guide will walk you...
Punch lists are an essential part of the construction process. This guide will walk you through the ins and outs of the punch list process and how...
Your design team needs to engage in a project handoff with the owner operator team. The Architect's Guide to Project Handoff will walk you through...
Long lead equipment or items have a delivery time that is long enough it might impact your project's schedule. This guide offers strategies for...
In construction, the unexpected is common, but never welcome. The root cause is often poor communication. According to KPMG, 82% of owners would like...
This guide will walk you through the concept known as OFCI – Owner Furnished, Contractor Installed. We'll explain why owners furnish their own...