Manage Company
Manage Layer users and roles from the Project Dashboard. Learn how to invite users, assign licenses, and automate user sign-ups with email domain settings.
Zach Soflin
Sep 24, 2024
To manage users and their roles in your Company, go to your Project Dashboard at and click on the Settings gear ****icon in the upper right corner. Click Manage Company.
👉 Note: Only users with Company Owner, Billing Admin or Admin roles can edit users.
Manage Company
From this menu, you’ll see a count of how many licenses are being used vs purchased. You can remove licenses from users or change their role. See Company Roles & Permissions for a detailed description on roles.
Invite Users
If you’d like to invite additional users, scroll to the bottom of the menu where you can add emails to invite additional users to your Company.
👉 Note: Company roles are connected directly to billing.
If you add users and they accept the invites to your Company, thereby increasing your license count, you will be billed for any additional licenses over your current plan. To swap licenses with your users, make sure you remove a license before inviting another user, so you are not unintentionally charged in the process.
Join by Email Domain
If you have entered your domain in the bottom section, any user when signing up with your email domain will be able to join your company account, which may impact billing. Remove the domain if you do not want users to join themselves.
You will not be charged if you have unassigned licenses on your paid plan.
You will be charged if you do not have any available license on your paid plan.
If new users sign up without an invite, they will be prompted to create a new company and will not be able to join your company. It is best practice to add the company domain so that this process is automated. Contact Layer Support if you have new users that do not show up in your Company.
See Signing Up For Your Layer Account for details on the sign-up process.